Major revision after minor revision. ED1 said major, ED2 said minor.

Since the editor didn't do this, it's still possible your paper will be declined. Exemple: Files saved in version 3. For example, minor revisions would not entail conducting a bunch of new analyses or overhauling part of the manuscript. Even the best papers could sometimes receive a major revision or rejection after an initial minor revision request. Minor revisions and major revisions are the two most common editorial decisions after After a month in peer review, i received comments of FIVE reviewers with a message from the academic editor that it needed a Major revision as reviewers had serious issues with the manuscript. x is the major y is the minor z are bug fixes. major: We increase this number when saved file from this build are no longer compatible with previous build. Then I received a reject letter from the new editor. Oct 29, 2016 · After the 1. ” The most challenging category is likely the “Reject with Hope/Major revision” (Table 1). Describe the major revisions to your manuscript in your response letter followed by point-by-point responses to the comments raised. b. Accept - No further revision required. Dec 24, 2019 · I submitted a manuscript to a reputed journal. 0 release and prior to version 2. " This status has not been changed for a month. I've been on the receiving end a couple of times – Oct 2, 2016 · You have received one recommendation for major and one for minor revisions. 6. The important thing is that two different software versions with the same x should have binary compatibility. Of course, both could have been major, but the final possibility – that both were minor – is perhaps not likely. Now, from my earlier experience, I am worried uf they again take 5 months to review a minor revision, or suggest something else (like a major revision Feb 22, 2021 · Note that some journals don't have "minor vs. After contacting him, I was told that he No, minor revision doesn't mean accepted with minor revisions. However, I just noticed that the status of my revised manuscript is now "awaiting reviewer selection". ’ Nov 5, 2012 · The associate editor has expertise in the field of holistic nursing research, education, practice, or aesthetics. In your case, when you change the major and minor version numbers is less relevant than ensuring the major and minor build numbers are accurate. Accept with Minor Revision. 질문의 수 또한 상이하지만, major revision 인 경우 대체로 20~40개 사이 였던 것 같아요. 7 version of the product. On December 5, I received a minor revision decision from one reviewer and a major revision decision from the other. Mar 5, 2018 · The editor’s decision requesting the revision of a manuscript can be classified into two categories—minor and major revisions—although the specific terminology used may vary across journals [1,2]. Authors are given five days for minor revisions. A very painful situation for Jan 24, 2021 · I submitted my article to an Elsevier journal on August 5, 2020. minor revision or major revision) means that you have to perform the requested changes before the paper may be accepted. The status changed to Under Review on August 30. Reject (without further consideration) The guideline for each recommendation option is described below. However, since then we did not receive any feedback from the journal editors. Jul 16, 2024 · The academic editor gave his decision as: The paper is accepted after minor reviews. If the editorial decision is a minor revision, it is likely that the manuscript will be accepted once the requested minor changes are done. Reject/Submit to Another Journal. Sep 10, 2020 · the minor revisions being changed into major revisions is uncommon, but given the seemingly poor quality of the reviews it is understandable if the editor read the paper afterwards The papers I have reviewed myself that lack the basics such a motivation, conclusion and references always had many other problems and I have always had to recommend Apr 24, 2018 · This discussion is also important for understanding the likely amount of effort required to get the manuscript accepted. There are six common reasons for a ‘minor revisions’ decision: The literature review can benefit from additional sources: As a reviewer with expertise on the topic of the manuscript, you may be aware of a recent publication or discussion that the authors do not include yet. We sent the manuscript with minor revision but now it is again under revision for 15 days. Major revisions – OK, you’ve got more work to do, but you’re still in the game. When a paper receives a minor revision decision, it might not be sent for a second round of peer review; usually, the editor goes through the revisions and gives a final approval. After round 2, ED1 said OK, ED2 said reject. After submitting the revised article for a week, a ADM was assigned and the status has changed to "awaiting reviewer invitation. 5. 0 won't be compatible with version 2. Clarification: The Journal response: Major revision -> minor revision "Revise for Editor Only'' -> reject. Mar 13, 2022 · Dealing with major revisions is part of the academic business. May 14, 2020 · It may be that the peer review asked for a major revision, due to which you needed to make extensive changes with the help of another author. All of the sudden the statues changed to the revised version review from yesterday. minor. minor: We increase this number when a new feature has been added. Accepted pending changes (i. I revised the paper accordingly and addressed the feedbacks. The associate editor makes one of four recommendations for publication: accept, accept with minor revisions, major revisions required with no guarantee of acceptance, and reject. 1. When minor revisions are required, the reviewers have provisionally determined the manuscript to be appropriate for publication and have asked Jul 12, 2016 · I have submitted a paper to a journal, and received the editors decision (Major Revision). 了解编辑的邮件中隐含的意思,以及如何评估审稿意见并决定是否进行大修、小修或拒稿。 Jan 15, 2019 · The first sign of the probability of being accepted (and the reverse, rejected) after revision is the categories of decision–“Accept,” “Accept after Revision/Minor Revision,” “Reject with Hope/Major revision,” or “Reject. platform. Examples of major revisions include, but are not limited to, the following: . Sep 24, 2019 · I understand that you twice revised and resubmitted your paper twice. Examples of reviewer comments can help!Here you can find an overview of sample comments and examples for the most common review decisions: ‘minor revisions’, ‘major revisions’, ‘revise and resubmit’ and ‘reject’ decisions. Does this indicate rejection? Meaning of Awaiting EIC Decision for over 20 days There are two types of revisions: Major and Minor. I have revised the paper according to the referees' comments. In the same situation, perhaps after the peer review, a section or angle to which a previous author had contributed was no longer deemed necessary. Nov 24, 2016 · Since you have made all the necessary revisions, you need not worry. ” 27 论文收到major revision,是喜是忧?186位知友分享了他们的经历和心得,或许能给你一些启发和帮助。 See full list on master-academia. In case of major revisions, revised manuscripts are almost always sent for a second round of peer review. Major revision: It is not clear if the manuscript will become acceptable for publication, even after revision. Accept after major revisions (conditional acceptance): The journal will publish the paper provided the authors make the changes suggested by the reviewers and/or editors; Revise and resubmit (conditional rejection): The journal is willing to reconsider the paper in another round of decision making after the authors make major changes May 7, 2010 · Major release number; Minor release number; Maintenance release number (bugfixes only) If used at all: build number (or source control revision number) 1. Mar 5, 2021 · Hello, everyone. It all depends on the editor to adjudge the comments base on the merit of the paper. Explore the do's and don'ts of writing a response letter and seek advice from peers in related fields. What's the difference between a minor and major revision? Response: A minor revision often implies that there are a limited number of changes that are needed to improve the manuscript for publication. Common reasons for a ‘minor revisions’ decision. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. May 6, 2021 · The paper was accepted with minor revision (two reviewers both recommended 'minor revision'). Whenever the major number is incremented, the minor and revision numbers are set to 0. Jan 19, 2021 · After more than a year of passing through review > major review > review > minor revision > review, the status has been ‘Awaiting EIC decision’ for the past 20 days. For the first round, I recieved a major revision and for the next two rounds, I received minor revisions. The revised manuscript will require further review and may require additional revision. build makes the most sense to me. Jul 22, 2022 · After submitting to one of the journals in Elsevier recently, we got a response as following: I think the manuscript can be improved and should be resubmitted, but the changes will probably take too long to accomplish within a "major revision" timeline. The author needs to provide a point-by-point response or provide a rebuttal if Jul 8, 2015 · If it is accepted, then it is to be presented and subsequently published, regardless of whether you make the changes or not. revision (possibly because Microsoft used to only use 3 version places?). major revision", but just "revision" (which is similar to a major revision because the reviewers will definitely see the revised version again). Shared libraries in Solaris and Linux may use the current May 5, 2016 · Provides an option to increment the minor number. The manuscript is publishable in its current form. Rejection after peer review: Dealing with this is a key skill required of any academic. If the initial revision was a major revision, there may be another round of major/minor revision requested on resubmission. Apr 15, 2021 · The editor gave us a major revision again. Apr 28, 2019 · After major revision, two reviewers gave me minor revision (only change one word) and the editor was pleased to consider publication. The status stayed "with the editor" for around 4 months and suddenly, I get a rejection for my Nov 1, 2015 · Conditional acceptance with minor revision: These articles are usually published if the revisions have been made. No variations among the reviewers (including the quality of the reviews) were found to influence the final decision—that is, it did not matter if the reviewer was more senior or had performed more reviews in the past. build. Jul 29, 2017 · Accept with minor revision. 3. Strictly speaking, for truly minor revisions, it's possible that the editor accepts your paper and leaves you to make the remaining changes during proofs. Dec 8, 2019 · I am not sure if the initial revision requested was a major revision or a minor revision. The paper was peer-reviewed, and we were asked to incorporate minor/major revisions from the reviewers respectively. Reconsider after Major Revisions: The acceptance of the manuscript would depend on the revisions. ) Keep in mind that neither a major nor a minor revision are approving the paper as is. For minor revisions, some editors might make a decision on their own, but they can send it out for peer review if they feel the need to. Depending on the extent of the minor revision, the editor may decide not to send it out for re-review. d) are usually controlled by development. The statement was: ‘Your paper was found acceptable pending revision. Accept after Minor Revisions: The paper can in principle be accepted after revision based on the reviewer’s comments. Resubmit after major revision. I’ve dealt with many major revisions, and preparing the revision letter is always a lot of necessary work. In case of major revisions, the paper is often sent for review, in which case, it might take some more time. build]] (example: 1. Nov 6, 2023 · I submitted my manuscript on April 26th and I got the major revision in the first round and “accept after minor revision” in the second round. Aug 19, 2020 · The most likely outcome is that you will be asked to make minor revisions, and then your school will have some procedure to handle this time-wise. One reviewer suggested minor corrections and one reviewer suggested major corrections. The second reviewer's concerns were basically that he believes that one of the databases used in the paper (which is used in many other studies published in this journal) is completely invalid, but to Major revision; Minor revision; Accept; If after peer review a manuscript is considered potentially appropriate for PLOS Medicine, a major revision is generally requested. revision(bug fixes). c. If the reviewers and editor are satisfied with the revisions, your paper is likely to be accepted. However, one of my article which was accepted with minor revision is now under "Editor Invited" status after the submission of revised version. I suppose that in most cases (of minor revision), the revised manuscript will only be reviewed by the ADM or associate editor. 7. Whenever the minor number is incremented, the revision number is set to 0. Apr 11, 2017 · The exact semantics of major or minor revisions will depend on the journal - at some journals, a minor revision will not be externally reviewed any more, while a major revision will. We have revised the manuscript again responding to all the third reviewer highlighted points (some points are not responsible for that reason we submitted a rebuttal letter to the editor before sending the revision). Editor of a journal asked for "Major Revision" for a submitted paper, after submitting revised paper it went for the review, after that the status shows "with Editor" for some time. May 9, 2023 · minor revisionとmajor revisionは、査読後の編集者が下す最も一般的な決定です。 minor revisionと決定された場合、査読コメントの次のラウンドのために元の査読者に戻ることはない可能性が高いことを意味します。これは、多くのジャーナルの実際の規定で、著者は Jan 8, 2021 · I submitted a minor revision for my paper based on the comments by the editor and Reviewers 1 and 2. major. The major and minor build numbers (c and d in a. After the first round of review I got major revisions request, which I did and after that I got publish with minor revisions. Usually the examiners do not need to see the thesis again when resubmitted after minor corrections. Around the end of last year, the journal changed its chief editor who was responsible for my article. y. All these effort results in better papers, and better science after all. I submitted my manuscript to an Elsevier journal in January 2020. Jan 18, 2020 · After two revisions (the first major and the second minor), the Editor Assigned status means that the manuscript is with the Associate Editor (AE) to review the second round of changes and also the manuscript as a whole. Feb 17, 2022 · After sending the query, the reviewers' comments came just within 4 days suggesting a minor revision. 0. I then quickly made the required revisions. Minor Revisions indicates a solid manuscript that could be improved with slight revision to organization, clarity, argument, and/or other components; this recommendation typically doesn't trigger re-review but may in some instances. For papers accepted after minor revision, the revised papers are often published without another full process of peer review. After getting a moderate revision for the manuscript and resubmitting it, it is possible to get moderate revision again, or minor revision, or accept directly without any further edits. May 8, 2020 · I guess the two rounds of revision were first a major revision and then a minor revision. The latter happened to me once as a guest editor. From my own experience I once reveiced in a row major revision, minor revision, major revision. To date, the status is “under review”. 0 was released, the kernel developers held several discussions Aug 31, 2019 · It is quite normal for a revised paper to be reviewed once again. Reject. Reject/Resubmit with Major Revision. After a couple of months of the peer review process, the response was “major revision has been requested”. ED1 said major, ED2 said minor. One-and-a-half months after submitting the revised version, the status changed to Required Reviews Completed and has remained so for more than three weeks. However, it is good to remember that an ‘accept with minor revisions’ decision does not guarantee acceptance. I submitted my paper to a Springer journal. – Publish after minor revision Appropriate to select if you believe only simple revisions are necessary to make the manuscript worthy of publication. It is rare After you accept the invitation, you are expected to assess the paper and make one of the following recommendations: Accept. – lighthouse keeper What we used to do here is major. maintenance[. c", where the number "a" denoted the kernel version, the number "b" denoted the major revision of the kernel, and the number "c" indicated the minor revision of the kernel. Recently. Even defining what the difference between a major and minor release is, is difficult. I made the necessary adjustments and resubmitted it again. On December 20, I submitted the revised article. minor revision 은 한 번 받아봤는데, 20개 이내 였고 대부분은 사소한 질문들이었어요 그래도 #리비전 #revision 을 받았다는 것은 이제 #논문accept 까지 가는 길이 가까워 왔다는 의미이니 Peer-reviewing an academic manuscript is not an easy task. The IGI global submission platform indicated that my manuscript is in the following phase: Revision Received 11/4/2018 At the 1st review, the referees' have written positive statement. However, The status on main profile shows minor revisions, why it doesn’t show accepted? Even we already incorporated and major. However, as the editor has mentioned, you need to consider the reviewer comments very carefully, and provide point-by-point responses. One of the referee suggested minor revision, while the other suggested major revision. After two months, I received minor revision as the decision. Researchers spend a lot of time and effort preparing response letters for reviewers. The editor may make a new decision based on their own assessment of the revised manuscript and your response to reviewers, or request additional input from external a list of major comments that may motivate rejection or require major revision; any other minor comments and corrections. Minor revisions - the best you can hope for after the first round of review Major revisions - the decision we received in this case Reject – clearly, the one you want to avoid; Editors are most likely to write back to you after initial review and recommend either ‘minor revisions’ or ‘major revisions’ to your paper. After 10 months, I received a major revision and a minor revision decision by the [two] reviewers. After re-submission, the status changed from "under review" to "decision in process". Jun 9, 2021 · The paper was accepted with minor revision (two reviewers both recommended 'minor revision'). However, two months after submitting the revisions, the status of the submission is still "Editor Assigned". z. I then resubmitted the paper a month later. So authors can be asked for "major revisions" even when minor changes (in the colloquial sense) would suffice. On December 22, the status changed to Under Review, and has remained so since then. These Hi, I had a paper submitted 9 months ago. I sent an email to editor, who was handling my article, he said he can not see revised version on system. After 50 days of the peer review process, the response was “major revision has been requested” and that the new version was required within one month. Aug 13, 2022 · In the jargon of some academic journals, "major revision" is anything that requires some new mathematical content and goes beyond merely fixing typos. The reason is that reviewer#2 refers back to the same old comments that he gave at the major revision stage (He just copied and pasted alll the comments mentioned in the major revision stage Jul 10, 2016 · Sometimes, after the first round, a reviewer notices sometimes more important, and can ask for a major revision (or a reject). I have received minor comments (only a few text corrections) from the referee who suggested major revision at the 1st review. In 2004, after version 2. It has been over two weeks, but the status is still displayed as ‘Awaiting Admin Processing. fix. After making the necessary adjustments, I resubmitted the revised manuscript on the 21st of November. The majority of articles require revision before reaching this stage. These types of revisions include correcting or adding more references, improving the quality of Figures, correcting language, typos, or otherwise improving the presentation. My question is how did it happen after minor revisions? One had some minor comments and recommended minor revisions, while the second reviewer recommended full rejection and was very vehement about it. Minor Revision - A limited number of changes are required. So the editor may add another reviewer, to settle the case. It is just guessing. A Major revision typically needs to be reviewed by multiple reviewers in addition to a building plan check engineer, and often requires the submission of a new building permit application and additional plan check fees . minor[. Nov 16, 2015 · I just submitted a revised paper to ScholarOne (minor revision). 6, the number was composed as "a. A minor revision is generally requested as a final step before acceptance. SO, after incorporating and submitting minor revisions, the editor decision on next day shows: Accept after after minor revision. ’ How much more time should I wait for a response? Minor revision: The manuscript is likely to be acceptable for publication after revision, commonly without further review. Jan 2, 2019 · We submitted a revised version of our manuscript to the IGI Global IJISMD Journal. NET Version type is defined as major. Perform any additional experiments or analyses the reviewers recommend (unless you feel that they would not make your paper better; if so, please provide sufficient explanation as to why you believe this to be the May 11, 2018 · 一般而言,投稿到期刊,審稿完之後,下面是幾個常用的評審結果: accept accept pending on minor revisions minor revision major revision reject reject 還分成兩種,一種是desk reject,表示在editor這關就過不了,沒送外審;一種是外審之後,覺得品質未達到,所以拒絕。 現在有些期刊還加上了新的評審結果:reject Sep 23, 2015 · When a paper of mine was first reviewed, one of the reviewers was okay with the paper and the other one requested minor revisions. 0 would this be the first maintenance release to the 1. 5249) Again, in these examples, the definition of what constitutes a "major" as opposed to a "minor" change is entirely subjective and up to the author, as is what defines a "build", or how a "revision" differs from a "minor" change. This feature should be seen by the user. Accept with minor revisions had a 67% acceptance rate, whereas accept with major revisions had a 40% acceptance rate. Jun 15, 2020 · Minor Revision与Major Revision相对应,一般称之为“小修”。 paper投出去之后直接被accept的概率很小,因此 Minor Revision 可以算是很不错的消息了。 一般给你的回复邮件中会附带审稿人以及主编的意见,只要按照意见再修改一下你的论文部分机制细节一般就可以。 After the reviews are complete, dispositions may include: “rejection without further submission, rejection with an opportunity to resubmit, major revision without a promise of acceptance, minor revision, acceptance subject to minor revision, and outright acceptance. If the initial revision was a minor revision, the status usually changes to ‘With Editor’ or ‘Decision in Progress’. Meanwhile, you will have to be patient and wait for some time. For example, you can upload your research data to Mendeley Data opens in new tab/window , link to research data hosted in repositories, or co-submit a data or Sep 29, 2014 · Instances of this decision are also rather rare. Sep 14, 2021 · Typically, a reviewer’s decision falls in four categories: acceptance without revision, acceptance after minor revision, acceptance after major revision, and rejection. Implies that the editors and reviewers feel the paper is publishable once their comments have been addressed. Explore the Zhihu column for a platform to freely express your thoughts through writing. (To be sure, the kinds of minor revisions I've suggested may also be necessary as part of a broader slate of major revisions for an article. Reject – Obviously, this isn’t good; but it may come with comments on how you can improve. If you address the reviewers’ concerns satisfactorily, your paper stands a fair chance of getting accepted. You’ll have 45 days to resubmit the revised manuscript for both a major or a minor revision. " When submitting your article or your article revisions to an Elsevier journal, you'll find solutions to share your research data with your article directly within the submission system. Explore Zhihu's platform for writing and expressing yourself freely in a column format. In most cases, the revised manuscript is re-assigned to the original Academic Editor. Personally, I consider revisions “easy”, regardless of whether the editor has classified the manuscript decision as “Major Revisions” versus “Minor Revisions”, if no additional experiments need to be performed. e. In the current era, it is exceedingly rare for a manuscript to be accepted without any modifications. Nov 21, 2020 · Hello. c is the build number and d is used for patches on a particular release or version of c. Then after submiting the minor revisions and waiting for two months I got major revision request and I was shocked. After submitting the minor revision, the statutes changed to the pending editorial decision for 1 month. At others, the difference is less clear-cut and may simply reflect the editor's feeling of how many additional rounds of review may be necessary. Bonus: Creates a variable based on the git revision number (like a subversion revision number). It is not uncommon for reviewers to have differing opinions and it is up to the Editor to make a final decision on your manuscript based on the reviewers’ opinions and the revisions you have made. com Jan 19, 2017 · My article was submitted to a journal last year and has undergone three rounds of reviews. The journal clearly said that the paper was accepted, subject to minor amendments and even went on to mention tentative publication dates. Especially if you are unsure about how to formulate your feedback. I spoke with Elsevier’s journal May 18, 2023 · Minor revisions – Typically, this is the best outcome after first submission. A third reason for inviting new referees might be a reject from the final reviewer after your minor revision (assuming the editor had send it out again). Unfortunately, the . Nov 14, 2013 · A good practice is to use 3 level revision numbers: x. The comments should be detailed enough to help the author amend the manuscript and prepare it for publication, or help the authors understand why the manuscript is considered unacceptable for publication at this time. 4. ds gj ub db ll oi mf vv gw mg